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I  T  '  S    A    T  H  U  R  S  D  A  Y

     “Its a Thursday” is a documentation of one of Savannah’s most beloved, nightlife hotspots, “Savoy Society”. This series started by accident, really, but now, over two years later, I realize that there is a fine line between coincidence and fate. In February 2021, at the tail end of heartbreak, I found myself pulling at the desire for connection again. Connection to people, love, chaos, music, and opportunity. Savoy Society gave me all of these things - and so much more. The first time I left my house, after what seemed like an eternity of soaking in every emotion that crossed my path, was to walk through those glass doors at 102 E. Liberty Street for an art show put on by my dear friend, Maggie Hayes, on a Thursday night. I didn’t know it then, but this was the very beginning of a story that I would soon be weaving myself in and out of. In the beginning of its conception, “Its a Thursday” started out as a weekly requirement for me to get out of the house and have some sort of human connection outside of my then roommates. However, not too long after my first few times there, I realized that there was magic happening in the mundane at this bar. There was so much to see, so much to absorb, and so much to capture. So, I started to bring my cameras. Disposables, point and shoots, polaroids, and instax cameras all became my weekly companions and further pushed me to connect with people outside of my circle. With a camera in hand, I found myself carrying so much more than a way to capture what was around me; I was carrying with me a confidence I never had before. Through that confidence, I found a desire to tell a story of how finding a community helped me find myself - one Thursday at a time. From then on out, I very seldom showed up without multiple cameras and a tote bag full of film. Over the following months, “Its a Thursday” became a personal catchphrase which landed me an ongoing bet with my friend Eisa, a book title, an Instagram handle to showcase weekly photos, and even an ass tattoo. Now, with a year and a few months of Thursdays in a row, I have found the people, love, chaos, music, and opportunities I had hoped for; and so much more. I have become closer with old friends, made new friendships, and most importantly, I proved to myself that no matter the circumstances, taking pictures and telling stories will always be there. To the friends, lovers, strangers, and strangers who became my friends, thank you. If not for me, this is for you.

"I T ' S  A  T H U R S D A Y"  P A R T  I

"I T ' S  A  T H U R S D A Y"  P A R T  I I

Limited copies of  part I and II are available through the contact page.

"I T ' S  A  T H U R S D A Y"  show and book release party
July 14th, 2022